Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop
Winter 2019 Schedule
- January 16: Discussion of "A Multinomial Framework for Ideal Point Estimation" by Max Goplerud (Political Analysis 27, 2019)
- February 6: Kevin McAlister, "A Beta Process Approach to Estimating Dimensionality"
- February 13: Kevin McAlister, Hwayong Shin, and Erin Cikanek, "Ordered Bayesian Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling: Improving Bias Correction on the Liberal-Conservative Scale"
- February 20: Discussion of "Hierarchical Item Response Models for Analyzing Public Opinion" by Xiang Zhou (Political Analysis 2019)
- March 13: Erin Cikanek, "Classifying Emotional Intensity in Text"
- March 14: Presentation of recent work on text analysis by Sarah Bouchat (Northwestern University) (joint event with CQPS)
- March 20: Tutorial on Word2vec by Patrick Wu
- March 27: Research design on detecting innovation and diffusion in text data by Mike Thompson-Brusstar
- April 10: Patrick Wu, "Geometry of Partisanship"
- April 18: Culminating Event: Gary King, "How to Measure Legislative District Compactness If You Only Know It When You See It" (https://gking.harvard.edu/presentations/how-measure-legislative-district-compactness-if-you-only-know-it-when-you-see-it-4)
Fall 2018 Schedule
- October 11: Diogo Ferrari Practice Job Talk
- October 25: Kevin McAlister Practice Job Talk
- November 1: Discussion of "Text Preprocessing for Unsupervised Learning: Why It Matters, When It Misleads, and What To Do About It" by Matthew J. Denny and Arthur Spirling (Political Analysis 26, 2018)
- November 8: Discussion of "Inferring Roll-Call Scores from Campaign Contributions Using Supervised Machine Learning" by Adam Bonica (American Journal of Political Science 62, 2019)
- November 15: Five-Minute Fiesta
- November 22: Thanksgiving Break, NO MEETING
- November 29: Discussion of "Community Detection Using Spectral Clustering on Sparse Geosocial Data” by Yves van Gennip et al. (2012)
- December 6: No Meeting